FRAME is expanding to the Prague 6 district, specifically to Technická Street in Dejvice. The green oasis between the faculties comes alive from spring to autumn with the cultural events organised by Vektor Technická and, with the FRAME festival, now with year-round exhibitions, workshops and comics.

A joint project of the Italian festival Baba Jaga, the Latvian publishing house kuš! and the FRAME festival includes, among other things, the Casa Baba 2024 residency programme.
Casa Baba’s 2024 residency program fostered vibrant cross-cultural exchange. Czech artist Jindřich Janíček spent a month in Rome, Italian artist Giulia Cellino travelled to Riga, and Latvian artist Jurijs Tatarkins enjoyed a residency in Prague.
This exhibition showcases the comics they created during their time abroad.

Pictoric is a Ukrainian community of illustrators, graphic designers, and artists who love to express their creativity and unique styles through modern visual arts. Their mission is to celebrate and promote illustration as a high-quality, meaningful art form with real aesthetic, social, and cultural value. Pictoric is passionate about building an international network of artists and curators while introducing Ukrainian illustration to the world.
One of the most powerful concepts they’ve explored is the idea of a “safe place.” In the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine, this idea has taken on a profound and urgent meaning. For many Ukrainians, the concept of a safe place changed dramatically. Even when they are outside the country, a sense of safety often remains elusive.
Pictoric asked 10 Ukrainian artists to share their understanding of what a “safe place” means to them today. Some continue to live in Ukraine despite the war, while others have found refuge abroad but return regularly to visit family. Some remain close to their homeland, while others have ended up on the other side of the world, in places like Canada or China. Their responses touch on questions that many of us struggle with: What is a safe place? Has the concept of safety changed lately? Do they even have a safe place anymore?
As a result, we would like to present 10 comics created by Anna Andreeva, Anna Ivanenko, Oleg Gryshchenko, Mari Kinovych, Veronika Kotyk, Jenya Polosina, Anna Sarvira, Olena Staranchuk, Yuliia Tveritina, Iliia Uhnivenko.

Birds of Prey
Stories of Czech Migration
In the Didactic Illustration Studio at the Faculty of Design and Art Ladislav Sutnar in Pilsen, under the direction of Renáta Fučíková, 100 portraits of important migrants who left the Czech Republic for abroad or, on the contrary, came to the Czech Republic from abroad and found a new home there. Under the guidance of Marie Kohoutová, students of the Comics and Illustration for Children studio joined them with their short comics.
The exhibition was created in cooperation with Sutnarka, Czech Centres and the FRAME festival. With the financial support of Vektor Technická and Prague 6.

summer festival
mini frame
Summer miniFRAME
A celebration of comics, illustration and DIY publications under the open sky!
During summer days, at the height of the cucumber season, Vector Technicka has transformed into a vibrant hub of art and entertainment!
Program: Mini Comic Market, Comic book bazaar (explore treasures from home libraries and bedside tables), Opening reception for Sutnar students’ outdoor exhibition “Birds of Prey”, Roller skate open class, DJs throughout the day

Workshop for kids/ 5.6. 2024 / Dětský den 5.6. 2024
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Workshop for kids / 20.9. 2024 / Šestka Zdravá Hravá
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